Page Testing
Page Testing
Interactive Testing
Spam Filter Tests
2 Users Free
2 Users Free
Basic - $ 1,324
20% off the standard price
Line Edit
Professional Independent Publishing Advice
*based on 80,000 words
Enhanced - $ 1,844
20% off the standard price
Line Edit
Typeset Print Book
Professional Independent Publishing Advice
*based on 80,000 words
Premium - $ 3,060
20% off the standard price
Developmental Edit
Line Edit
Typeset Print Book
Professional Independent Publishing Advice
*based on 80,000 words
We are on the crest of a wave. One that is looking over the sea of publishing and is ready to fall. I want to be on that forefront, and I’m sure you do as well. So let’s take the plunge together. I am passionate about books, about indie authors, about everything to do with the written word. Let’s work out a deal to make sure your book is edited thoroughly enough so it can hold its own.
I will always give you a sample edit before we commit to any contract. Feel free to send me your first 1,000 words when you email to inquire about pricing and availability, and I’ll get back to you within a week.

Page Testing
Page Testing
Interactive Testing
Spam Filter Tests
2 Users Free
2 Users Free
$3.50 per 250 words
to detect and mark incorrect grammar and errors
Spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors
Incorrectly structured sentences
Typographical errors
Line Edit
$4.50 per 250 words
to edit structure and style, in-depth line-by-line analysis
Spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors
Incorrectly structured sentences
Typographical errors
Fact checking
Correct inconsistencies
Remove repetition
Address awkward or wooden dialogue
$4.75 per 250 words
to develop the characters, plot, and overall arc of the story
Conflict and tension
Plot issues
Point-of-view problems
Show vs telling
Find unnecessary scenes
And so much more
Print Typeset
$650 (artwork is additional)
Your book should be aesthetically pleasing so the reader is lost in your world, not in the formatting.
Using InDesign I will prepare a print-ready PDF that follows the guidelines set out by your distributor.
If you have images or tables, any special formatting, or non-fiction elements, I will need to provide a tailored quote for your project.
Ebook Format
Ebooks should flow well and have proper formatting to let your reader delve into the story.
Starting from scratch, I can build a professional-grade ebook from the ground up that works across ereaders and follows the guidelines set out by your distributor.
I have worked in US dollars, euros, British pounds, Canadian dollars, and Australian dollars for many of my jobs. Having lived in three different countries, I understand the need for currency comparison in this wide new world. Let me know which currency works best for you when you contact me.
Having worked with many self publishers as well as small publishers, I would love to help answer any questions you might have about publishing in general. If you find yourself a bit lost and want some help understanding your options, feel free to contact me at amie.mccracken AT gmail DOT com and we’ll chat.