Drabble Dienstag – Red Tea

 Last installment of my tea drabbles. This is red tea, last week was black tea and the week before was green tea. Tell me what you think of them as singles, or what you think of them as a set. Do the characters come through in only 100 words?They kept calling my name,...

Drabble Dienstag – Black Tea

Another week of tea drabbles. This time it’s black tea and England instead of green tea and Japan. Don’t you just love a cup of tea in the autumn, chilly weather? Let me know what you think in the comments, I love a good critique.The two lumps I took from...

Drabble Dienstag – Green Tea

In honor of autumn (and a writing prompt from my friend) I’m doing a series of drabbles on tea. This week is green tea. I’m trying it out in first person since that point of view is a little more difficult for me. Let me know what you think! And if you...

Drabble Dienstag – Don’t Leave Me Alone

I need some prompts for my drabbles. Leave me an idea in the comments. Either a whole sentence or just a word. And I always love a critique, tell me what you think! I can only get better with feedback.He woke with a major headache, his head pillowed on a rock. The...

Drabble Dienstag – The Jump

I’ve been watching a TV show called Heartland. It’s based off of a series of books I read as a teenager that are about a girl and her gift to heal battered horses. The show is pretty good, but it’s really making me want to ride my horse and...

Drabble Dienstag

I had a horrible situation this last week. Well, I suppose it started a few weeks ago. My husband has been gone during the week every week for a few months now. On night a while back I found a ginormous spider in our bedroom just before I feel asleep. I tried to smash...