
Please check out this blogJ Bird DesignsShe’s having a giveaway for my bug magnet set.She makes the greatest t-shirts! When I have a kid I will totally put her stuff on them. Radically cute.

In Honor of Lefties, 50% off!

Tomorrow, and only tomorrow…August 13…I am having a sale. It’s a sale to celebrate left-handers!!! Tomorrow is National Left-Handers Day.And being a lefty I have to. So visit my shop and receive 50% off! Excluding current sale items. Just put a note...

Featuring my Favorites

I love to window shop on etsy and heart things. But I also wanted to share with you what I’m hearting since I love these items so much! I’ll try to group a few in a common theme (that seems to be how I like it considering Word of the Week is that way). And...


I promise I’ll have some ‘100 photos’ up soon! Lots going on, including editing wedding photos which is taking up most of my free time. But I’m nearly done.I’m wondering if anyone has any tips for me on ACEO’s. Art Cards Editions...


I’m taking it day by day this weekend.This morning I was at the county fair to help out with the ranch sorting…cows in other words. It was a blast, and the hamburgers are soooo good.This afternoon I’m headed to the local coffee shop to hang up my...

Last Day!

Just a reminder for my first 38 followers. Today is the last day you can exclusively get 38% off on some products in my shop. Just take a look at this post to see what’s available.Let the hectic weekend start. Wait, when do I not have a hectic weekend?And my...