Last Line Blogfest

I’m participating in The Last Line Blogfest with Lilah. Click on that link to visit her last lines and other writer’s who are participating.Quick rabbit trail: I’m an official writer now! I’m working for Suite101 writing articles. Yay!...

When I Said…

When I said last Sunday was a book-reading day I should have waited until this week. It snowed again yesterday and because of the German world being closed on Sundays, I am on the couch with tea and some books. Let’s see, Albert and I just finished The Hobbit,...

Read, Read, Read

The Language of God by Francis S Collins – 4A very good book about the mix of God and science.The Lost Memoirs of Jane Austen by Syrie James – 3I’m rating it a three just because I have a lot of respect for people who have the guts and the patience...

Mehr Bücher – More Books

Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott – 4A classic for any writer or writer-wanna-be.Brisingr by Christopher Paolini – 2He’s a good writer, but he made his trilogy into four books, and he tends to have ideas that sound just like other fantasy writers.Business...