by amiemccracken | Aug 2, 2012 | about me
If you haven’t heard already, we are moving to Belgium. My friends here in Stuttgart are begging me not to go (I feel so loved) but we will probably move back here in about six months or so. It’s a quick there and back again. (Random side note: hate that...
by amiemccracken | Apr 10, 2012 | about me, editing, reading, writing
All those movies, the ones about people pursuing their life’s dream, the one thing that makes their heart beat faster, those movies are a bit of a downer for everyone who doesn’t know what they crave.You can’t call someone a workaholic when they are...
by amiemccracken | Mar 22, 2012 | about me
There is nothing like feeling you have officially grown up. I feel as though my personality has solidified. That this is the person I will be from now on. I’m sure little things will change, but overall this is me.My Niece, Not Grown Up YetI don’t want that to be. I...
by amiemccracken | Dec 29, 2011 | about me
When I was 11 I begged and begged and pleaded and begged my parents for my very own dog. I sent a letter from an anonymous source saying why I deserved a dog. I researched what kind of dogs there were. Then I begged some more. Finally I was allowed to get a dog, he...
by amiemccracken | Sep 1, 2011 | 101 in 1001, about me
I have a to-do list of challenges for myself that I’ve been working on since January 2009. That to-do list is 101 Things in 1001 Days. It ends in October of this year, just in time for my 25th birthday.You can check out the 101 in 1001 Project here. Red is my...
by amiemccracken | Jan 5, 2011 | about me, three things thursdays
What is your favorite season? There are aspects of each that I like: late nights in the summer, green and flowers in spring, crisp weather in fall, but I love winter.Three things about…your favorite season.1. I am in love with winter. I get to bundle up. In...