Labor Day BBQ and a Few Blog Awards

Karen from Coming Down the Mountain is hosting a blogger BBQ this weekend to get to know other bloggers. I’m bringing the napkins and plates, because I absolutely suck at cooking, even cyber cooking.At the same time, Melissa from Melissa Getting Published gave...

Three Things Thursday

First off, thank you so much to everyone who came and commented on my rainy day post yesterday. And thanks to Christine at The Writer’s Hole for hosting it! I would email you all back about your comments, but my system stopped working (conveniently during a...

Three Things Thursdays

So to continue in the strain of childhood, I’d like to hear about where you grew up this week. You can enter your own blog post in the linky below or just tell me in the comments.Three things about…where you grew up.1.    The biggest thing all year for our...

Three Things Thursdays

Ok! Thanks for all the input guys. I have decided on Thursdays. Since this is the first week I’ll leave the linky thing open until tomorrow night so if you don’t get to it until tomorrow that’s fine. And if you don’t want to do a blog post,...

My Apartment and the Design Inside

I think our apartment is finally good enough to show here. I’m still lost on what to paint. I’m thinking a light gray in the living room, but I like everything as it is so I’m just leaving it for now. Click here to see the photos on my album with it...