by amiemccracken | Nov 3, 2013 | design
We learned some of the transform tools in the last week of the Illustrator class from Nicole’s Classes. But mostly the homework was to create a final project, something that used the skills learned throughout the month. Lately I’ve been wanting to update...
by amiemccracken | Oct 31, 2013 | photo, photograph, photography, portrait
I’m becoming very adept at pregnancy portraits…what is with all these pregnant ladies! It’s like I’ve hit the age beyond where all my peers are getting married, now they are all preggers. I really love this latest photo shoot with Samantha. She...
by amiemccracken | Oct 29, 2013 | design
Ah brushes, those beautiful things in Illustrator that make anyone an instant artist, digitally. But in the Illustrator class from Nicole’s Classes we learned how to actually create our own, which was fun. Our assignment last week was to make a blog banner and...
by amiemccracken | Oct 15, 2013 | design
This week in my Nicole’s Classes Illustrator class we went over a lot of the tools: the pen tool, the pencil tool, the line and shape tools, and how to make all of those do fancy things. So besides playing with the shapes and lines and making a dart board and a...
by amiemccracken | Oct 10, 2013 | book review, books, reading
Tokyo Dare by Anne Van is an adventure, at least from an American’s perspective in Tokyo. Erin is on a scholarship to an academy in Tokyo. She won the scholarship against her best friend, Tori. Tori writes her a letter with a list of to-dos and tells Erin...