by amiemccracken | Sep 5, 2014 | editing, writing
Have you ever tried to write a novel? Did you hit somewhere around 10,000 words and then get stuck? That was me for the longest time. It took a lot of starts and stops for me to finally get a full novel written; now I have three. My friend Charlie at Urban...
by amiemccracken | Aug 5, 2014 | about me, Germany, travel
Sitting in a Berliner currywurst shop, the rain pouring outside, thinking that I have to catch a train at 8 the next morning, I had the strongest urge to cry. This was the last time I’d see Berlin for who knows how long. I’m leaving Europe. I had this...
by amiemccracken | Jul 29, 2014 | about me, diabetes
I listened to this podcast recently about treating teenagers who are diabetic. It’s a difficult story to hear, and I definitely didn’t have that many problems during my teen years. But it makes me wonder why? What did my parents/healthcare providers do...
by amiemccracken | Jul 22, 2014 | book review, books, reading
Jessica Bell has created a true work of art with her new short story in verse, SHE. It gives us a glimpse into the mind, into a traumatic moment. I had to read it twice, and I think I might pick it up again one more time. I loved how if I read the stanzas in...
by amiemccracken | Jul 17, 2014 | book review, books, reading, Uncategorized
Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell is a story of teenage life, plain and simple. It’s also a love story, but mostly it’s just normal, everyday, mundane and terrible, teenage life. It was an incredible read. What a beautiful rendition of a not so shiny life...