Drabble Dienstag – Home

Another one from StoryADay May. I was feeling whimsical and wanted something happier since most of what I’ve been writing has been depressing.The breeze lifted wisps of red, curly hair and tickled her neck. The coffee tasted like a campfire in a good way,...

Meeting Writerly Friends – My Trip to Zürich Switzerland

The internet used to be a creepy thing where if you met people they were just scumbags who would steal your identity and if they wanted to meet you in person it meant they wanted to rape you and then skin you alive, or something like that. But in the last two years I...

Drabble Dienstag – Goodbye

Here’s another drabble that simply poured out during StoryADay May. It feels like it shows a lot, since I don’t explicitly say what’s going on. What do you think?She sat in her rocking chair on the porch, sweet tea on the glass and iron table beside...

Drabble Dienstag – Choices

This is isn’t pertaining to a specific something. It’s mostly just a reflection and was a away for me to play with words.That moment; when your heart, or maybe head, makes the choice. You are no longer confused. But now you tumble into yet another trap....