Cinderella – Original Fairy Tales Challenge

My Cinderella story is ready! Here is the first half, the rest to be posted later this week.Cinderella by ~Maryanneleslie on deviantART  In the dark night only the tip of her cigarette was visible. With every pull it brightened with an electric orange. Then through...

You’ll Have to Forgive Me

I’m supposed to put a Cinderella rewrite fairy tale up today for my Original Fairy Tales Challenge…but I got lazy and didn’t start writing it until this weekend. I’m excited about it, but I’m not done. So please hang on a few more days...


I am headed here:for a week, and I didn’t schedule any posts. If I have internet I might give you updates. We are meeting my parents and taking a Nile cruise and then a few days at the Pyramids of Giza. It is going to be hot,...