by amiemccracken | Nov 30, 2012 | books, writing
I’m going to start with a bit of an explanation about publishing books. At the top of the ladder are what we call the ‘Big Six.’ These are the mainstream publishers: Hatchette, Macmillan, Penguin, Harper Collins, Random House, Simon & Schuster.Then we have the...
by amiemccracken | Nov 29, 2012 | writing
The conclusion of Robin Hood and the Girl for my Original Fairy Tales Challenge. The beginning is here.Ann-Rentgen at deviantart One night Robin called her over. “Lil,” he said and slapped an arm around her neck. “We have a job for you. It will involve some danger,...
by amiemccracken | Nov 27, 2012 | writing
I confess I didn’t read all of Robin Hood this month yet. It’s a lot of short stories so I’ve gotten the feel for it and written my own rendition. Here is the first half for the Original Fairy Tales Challenge, the other half will be posted later this...
by amiemccracken | Nov 22, 2012 | book review, books, reading
The Adventures of Stanley Delacourt: Book I of Hartlandia by Ilana Waters is a middle-grade story about standing up for what you believe in. An evil ruler has taken control of Hartlandia, and Stanley and his friend Sophie set out to stop it. Along the way, Stanley...
by amiemccracken | Nov 20, 2012 | book review, books, reading
The Unseen Wonder by Anne Van is a sweet little story with a lot packed in. The family and characters are all wonderful and I really want to get to know them better. The ending was a bit anticlimactic. It ended well and good, but could have had more impact like the...