Classics Challenge

Of all the goals I attempted to complete this year, I wanted to read more classic books. I typically pick one up every few modern books. So I decided to join in on a challenge to read seven classics. I got through four of them. This is my wrap up: My list: These have...

Writing Retreat in England

I had the express privilege of traveling to Devon England for a writing retreat in November. It was hosted by Charlie at Urban Writers’ Retreat. She spent the whole week overfeeding us with cake and vegetables and tea. The cottage was something out of Jane...

Showing vs Telling New Book by Jessica Bell

Click to add me to Goodreads!Have you been told there’s a little too much telling in your novel? Want to remedy it? Then this is the book for you!In Show & Tell in a Nutshell: Demonstrated Transitions from Telling to Showing you will find sixteen real...