Adverbs and Cliches – Jessica Bell

Too many adverbs and clichés in your writing? I’ve got just the fix for you by Jessica Bell. Writers constantly have rules thrown at them left, right, and center. Show, don’t tell! Stop using so many dialogue tags! More sensory detail! More tension! Speed up the...


It’s amazing what can effect happiness. Being in the right place (mentally and physically), having purpose, sunshine. There are so many factors that drag one down or lift one up. For me, at this time, it’s a mix of having moved into my dream apartment in a...

The Art of Ending a Sequel

The ending to your story is just that, an ending – the finale, finish, fin, finis, kaput, over with, done, gone, ended. There is a finesse to ending a story correctly which includes things like tying up plot lines and giving the reader some satisfaction while also...