by amiemccracken | Aug 27, 2013 | editing
The Secrets to Becoming a Freelancer Those moments in your life when everything falls into place, those are the times when you are happiest. But what if you can make that happen instead of waiting for it? For the past few years I have been trying to break into the...
by amiemccracken | Aug 20, 2013 | photo, photograph, photography, portrait
The day after I got back from Colorado, I got to take photos of a set of twins at their first birthday party. We had to squeeze in this photo shoot because just two days later they were moving back to Florida. By the end I was pretty sleepy, but I wouldn’t have...
by amiemccracken | Aug 15, 2013 | book review, books, reading
The Contaminants by Devin K. Smyth is a post-apocalyptic story centering around purification of Earth. Jessil and Soraj are among few survivors after the American government lets loose nuclear bombs across the globe. They orbit the planet in the last surviving cruiser...
by amiemccracken | Aug 13, 2013 | about me, travel
I spent the last three weeks on vacation. Well, let me rephrase. I spent the last week vacationing from my vacation and the two previous weeks visiting family and friends back home in Colorado. Don’t ask me why, but it took me a full week to recover. So now...
by amiemccracken | Jul 11, 2013 | books, reading
Suffocate Suffocate is the first novelette in THE BREATHLESS series. It is a 15,000 word young adult thriller that combines the dystopic and science fiction genres. For centuries, the world outside the Biome has been unlivable. Today, marks the first time...