by amiemccracken | Oct 8, 2013 | design
There is some crazy hype for typography posters lately. Especially with the beauty of seeing them splattered across your Pinterest feed. That’s why I was excited for my first week of homework from my Nicole’s Classes Illustrator class…typography...
by amiemccracken | Sep 19, 2013 | about me, design, Germany
I have a blank gray wall in my apartment. It’s the focal point of the living room. And it’s been blank since we moved in. But months before I even knew that wall existed, I had a project in mind. It was a project I found on Pinterest. Finally, finally, it...
by amiemccracken | Sep 10, 2013 | books, reading
My darling friend Jessica Bell not only writes literary fiction, how-to writing books, songs, blog posts, edits a literary journal, and edits full time for English language training. She also runs a writing retreat in Greece. Oh yeah, and she compiled and edited this...
by amiemccracken | Sep 3, 2013 | drabble, writing
I used to write drabbles on Tuesdays. (Stories in exactly 100 words.) And this past week I felt the need to express myself in that form again. So here is one: There is nothing like this memory. It haunts at night; it comforts during the day. As with all remembrances,...
by amiemccracken | Aug 29, 2013 | about me, Germany, travel
I’m an expat. And I am very proud to say it. I’ve lived in Germany (with a tiny blip in Belgium) for four years now (just told another expat that the other night and he was blown away). We chose to live here. We love it. But wow has it taught us a lot....