Audrey’s Guide to Witchcraft by Jody Gehrman is the story of a new witch, Audrey. Her mother disappears, a mysterious cousin shows up to babysit, and she has foreboding feelings about it all.

Audrey's Guide to Witchcraft by Jody Gehrman book cover

The voice in this book was flashy and fun. There was just enough high school mixed with new-witch-hiding-her-identity. I was completely in love with the ‘cousin,’ Sadie. She’s eccentric and cool all at the same time. And the book is all around fun without being vapid and girly. The love story felt natural, with their awkwardness being very endearing. It wasn’t love at first sight but there was definitely a lot of attraction.

By the end of the book though, Audrey’s motivations were weak. She went somewhere she didn’t absolutely feel compelled to go and that frustrated me. The book was an easy read, but I’m frustrated it wasn’t finished. You all know how I loathe open endings. This one wasn’t quite open, but I don’t think it required a sequel either.

If you like a fun read involving witches and sort-of zombies, with well rounded characters and a horrific highschool enemy, then pick this one up for sure.

I received this book from the author for review.